Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Comments About Fellow Bloggers

Throughout the semester I have been following along with posts from some of my fellow classmates. I found some of these points very interesting and also useful to acknowledge.

Ivan Zhang:
Ivan made a wonderful post about how people assume first year courses don't matter whereas in reality they do and in fact, they are very crucial to student's learning in future years. It is not a good habit to skip classes as this can be very dangerous and impact lives in negative ways. It may just start off as skipping one class but this can turn into not going to any classes or studying for any tests, etc. I really like the point Ivan makes about how first year courses lay down a foundation for students to build upon and I feel this is the most important thing students need to learn.
The post can be found here: https://medium.com/@ivanzhang/groundwork-1b15347b6ce1

Anam Alvi:
I came across a post Anam made earlier in the year (near Assignment 1) and I could directly relate to this post. It was about the first group assignment completed in university and how when I start an assignment and don't understand a question, it'll stay in the back of my mind until I solve it. She also discussed how she looks over 165 work during her commute to school everyday which is something I can relate to. Commuting approximately an hour each way, I find myself usually reading over notes or tutorial work for 165 and other classes which I find a very good technique to stay on top of all the materials I need to know.
The post can be found here: http://165slogs.blogspot.ca/2014/10/slog-week-3-obsessive-nature.html

Qasim Iqbal:
While I was struggling with time complexity questions, I tried to go online and figure out how to grasp a better understanding of this concept. I ran across multiple course log's talking about time complexity but one that really caught my eye was this one by Qasim. He added a screenshot of the code along with the number of steps per line which was very useful and I sat there looking at the code until I finally started to understand what we've been doing in class.
The post can be found here: http://qasim-csc165.blogspot.ca/2014/11/week-8-large-oh.html

These are just three of the many wonderful course logs I have come across throughout the semester and looking back at them now that we're coming to an end, I can say that it was a good learning experience. These course logs were a wonderful way to stay organized and also for students to seek others help when facing a challenging situation.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you were able to relate to my post :) I definitely agree, these course logs encouraged me to keep on top of my course work and stay organized!
