Two weeks into the course and so far I am understanding the topics we
are learning. Hopefully I am able to keep up with the course and master the
different concepts taught in class.
Relation to Other Courses
While reviewing over the week two lecture notes I came across
implication and negation. These two topics looked familiar due to the fact that
they were also covered in my MAT137 lecture and it helped me understand the
concept. Another topic we briefly went over in MAT137 is vacuous truth. We are
going to cover vacuous truth in CSC165 during Friday's lecture and knowing a
little about it already will hopefully help me.
My tutorial Tuesday morning went fairly well. Coming into the tutorial,
I was not sure if I completed the exercise correctly. However, my TA Jason went
over the exercise very well and that helped me understand my mistakes. For
question 2, there were some cases where I didn't use the minimum number of
"X" or "O" combinations and there were cases where I didn't
put one important "X" or "O". The main thing I took out of
that lecture was the reference Jason used to describe how question two was
supposed to be completed. He helped me clarify how to verify and falsify universal
and existential claims. This was also explained on page five of the week two
lectures. Thankfully, I understood the concept and hopefully completed the quiz
Interesting Jahid.