Thursday, October 23, 2014

Week 7


The lectures so far this week were interesting. We started off by quickly going over two proof exercises that we needed to complete in a set time period and I managed to get the first proof correct with the proper structure. However, for the second proof, I wrote down the entire structure but could not find the number required to make it work since it was an existential claim. Later on though when professor Heap went over the proofs I realized that it was not as hard to find the number as I initially thought. Wednesday’s lecture was about different allowed inferences which I found very useful to help guide the different proofs we will be completing in the near future. We also talked about the assignment very briefly which I am hoping to start as soon as possible. Lastly, we ended off by going over the different sorting methods. I am not the best at these sorting algorithms however I’m hoping to be able to practice them and understand them as best I can.

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